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Our Expertise is Your Gain.

Outsourced Reimbursement Services
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Hospitals and health systems are challenged with juggling to maintaining margins while facing a gap in the resource pool of employees with a strong reimbursement knowledge and experience.

The Rybar Group has a team of associates available to assist your facility, offering a suite of solutions to ensure your needs are met.

Our consultants represent decades of experience working hands-on in and for hospitals, health systems and Medicare Administrative Contractors on Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement matters. Our outsourced services will allow you to focus energies on other needed areas and will provide you with oversight and strategy development to assist you in understanding the complexities of reimbursement and optimizing your opportunities.


  • Monthly Contractual Calculations
  • Bad Debt and Charity Care Calculations
  • Cost Report Optimization Reviews
  • Special Reimbursement Project Assistance
  • Ensure Required Medicare and Medicaid Documentation is Maintained and Auditable
  • Estimate Third-Party Payer Reserves
  • Managing of Reimbursement Related Third-Party Payer Requests
  • Serve as Liaison with MACs and State Agencies
  • Interpretation of Federal and Third-Party Regulations
  • Keep You Up-to-Date on Reimbursement Opportunities
  • Provide Reimbursement Management and Routine Reimbursement Department Functions


  • Access to Highly Experienced Reimbursement Team
  • Up-to-date on the Latest Regulations and Guidelines
  • Cost Savings on Salaries, Benefits, and Systems
  • Reduced Stress
  • Additional Free Time to Focus on Hospital Operations

To Learn More, Contact Our Team

J_Parker_White Border


Director, Reimbursement

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