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Is Volume Decline Hurting Your Medicare Reimbursement?

Is Volume Decline Hurting Your Medicare Reimbursement? Explore Volume Decrease Adjustment (VDA) Opportunities!

A recent patient volume drop can significantly impact your hospital's finances. But did you know Medicare offers Volume Decrease Adjustments (VDAs) to compensate for these unexpected dips?

VDAs Explained:

VDAs are lump-sum payments for Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs) and Medicare Dependent Hospitals (MDHs) experiencing a greater than 5% decrease in discharges year-over-year. They help offset the financial burden of fixed costs with lower volume.

Unlocking Reimbursement with TRG's Expertise:

With over 30 years of experience, TRG has recovered over $143 million for hospitals through VDAs! Our team of reimbursement specialists can help you:

  • Assess eligibility: We analyze your Medicare claims data to determine if your hospital qualifies.

  • Maximize recovery: We handle the entire VDA application process, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

  • Navigate complexities: We leverage our extensive knowledge to navigate VDA regulations for optimal results.

Schedule a free consultation with our VDA experts today to discuss your eligibility and explore potential recovery strategies. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity.