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Evaluation and Management (E/M) Coding Based on Time

In 2021 and 2023, time-based E/M service guidelines underwent significant revisions for office/outpatient and inpatient/observation services. The...

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Pass-through Reimbursement for Your NAHE Program

Medicare is the largest single funding source for hospitals that provide training for residents and fellows in approved residency programs in...

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Why Audit Incident To Services

If your practice utilizes Advanced Practice Providers (APPs), such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants, and you’re billing for their...

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New Rural Designation – Rural Emergency Hospital

Hospital survival and closures are unfortunately becoming common news headlines. When closures occur in a rural community, there is usually not...

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Price Transparency Data is being used to Form Impressions of your Hospital. Are They Right?

JAMA Network Open recently published a study comparing the pricing of physician-owned hospitals (“POH’s”) to non-POH’s[1].

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Medicaid DSH Reductions

Federal law requires that state Medicaid programs make Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments to hospitals that serve a large number of...

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New Medical practice

A Roadmap for Success: Opening a New Medical Practice

While opening a new practice is certainly possible, it can feel like it requires superhuman effort. Therefore, opening a new practice doesn’t happen...

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The Importance of Critical Access Hospital Interim Medicare Cost Reports

As a cost-based reimbursed provider type, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) rely on their Medicare cost report to ensure appropriate reimbursement for...

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Critical Access Hospital Reimbursement Myths and Facts

Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) have a very important and challenging role in providing accessible healthcare to rural Americans. With the COVID...

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Volume Decrease Adjustment for MDHs and SCHs

The Volume Decrease Adjustment (VDA) is an important benefit to assist Medicare Dependent Hospitals (MDH) and Sole Community Hospitals (SCH) when...

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Telehealth Uncertainty

How is your organization preparing for the impending telehealth changes?

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Negotiating Higher Payment Rates

When negotiating insurance payment participation agreements with a healthcare provider, it's essential to ensure that you're receiving adequate...

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